GeekMasher's Blog

A list of security and developers events I don’t want to miss out on... Read more →

SQL Injection is one of the biggest issues that still plagues web application development even to this day. If you don’t know what this security issue is, this post is for you.... Read more →

This is my first post on my newly created blog at, please join my journey towards becoming a better developer and security engineer... Read more →

During the past two month I volunteer to present at both DC44131 (Edinburgh) and Abertay HackSoc but I didn’t want to use either Microsoft’s Power Point (or Open Office) or Google’s Slides. In the past I’ve tried to use RemarkJS but at the time I had some issues with it and decide to not check it out again for my presentation needs.
For this project I used Markdown as the content format and Marp (open-source) as the core engine to build the slides into HTML and PDFs.... Read more →