GeekMasher's Blog

Charity Half Marathon

Charity Half Marathon
I’m running a half marathon for charity in October 2024, and I need your help!... Read more →

Using Neovim to Help Develop Secure Code - NeovimConf 2023

Using Neovim to Help Develop Secure Code - NeovimConf 2023
In November 2023, I decided to apply to the CFP for the NeovimConf online conference. Fortunately I was accepted and presented my presentation on “Using Neovim to Help Develop Secure Code”. This short talk focuses on the Neovim Plugin I wrote to help me, and hopefully others, to run security tools in make applications more secure. This plugin is called DevSecInspect.nvim and is open source for anyone to use YouTube 🔗Here is the recording I submitted to NeovimConf.... Read more →

Talk - 'Introduction to CodeQL' at DC44131

Talk - 'Introduction to CodeQL' at DC44131
Local Defcon chapter talk on ‘Introduction to CodeQL’... Read more →

SecuriTree: A TreeSitter based Security Tool for Neovim

SecuriTree: A TreeSitter based Security Tool for Neovim
SecuriTree is a Neovim plugin which allows you to run TreeSitter queries in your IDE and report them to the end user as issues... Read more →

SQL Injection in Rust; still possible?

SQL Injection in Rust; still possible?
I wanted to know 2 simple questions: can I still get SQL Injection in Rust? What controls are in place to protect against it in SQLx? In the Rust community, we talk about ‘Rust is secure’ but is this from just memory related bugs or other security issues too?... Read more →